UX Process

Usability Testing

I find Usability Testing to be one of the main tools in UX Design. What it is and why it's essential?

It is a method used to evaluate a product by testing it with users to identify usability problems. The primary aim is to ensure that the product is easy to use, efficient, and meets the needs of its intended audience.

Usability testing is performed at various stages of the UX process. In the early stages, during research and discovery, it helps understand user needs and establish baseline metrics. During the design phase, wireframe and prototype testing refine design and functionality based on user feedback.

As development progresses, iterative testing ensures ongoing alignment with user expectations. Pre-launch beta testing uncovers any remaining issues before the product goes live. Finally, post-launch usability testing continues to identify new issues and gather feedback on updates, ensuring the product remains user-friendly and effective.

See the Case Study below.

Before the Usability Testing

Before conducting a usability test, several preparatory steps are essential to ensure the test is effective and provides valuable insights. These steps include:

  1. defining the user profile,
  2. preparing interview questions,
  3. creating task scripts, and
  4. sending email invitations to participants.

Usability Test

Booking Accommodation in a Selected Hotel
Booking Accommodation using a Hotel Aggregator

Notes from Usability Testing

Note-taking in the UX process, particularly during usability testing, is a critical practice for capturing detailed observations and insights about user interactions with a product. Effective note-taking involves documenting users’ actions, comments, non-verbal cues, and any difficulties they encounter while performing tasks. This documentation helps to identify patterns, common issues, and user pain points.

Notes should be organized and clear, enabling the UX team to reference them easily during analysis. They serve as a valuable resource for generating actionable recommendations and making informed design decisions.

Notes from the Usability Test - User #1
Notes from the Usability Test - User #2